How to calculate numbers involving big powers?

Copper Contributor

Can you explain how to calculate  

What is the remainder when (11^2022 − 5^2022) is divided by 27?

I tried this:


It shows #NUM!

Can you help me with this?

5 Replies

@HARSHV3J Not sure here but 11 to the power of 2022 is a very big number and exceeds Excels limits. What exactly are you trying to achieve here?


There has been a video recently on Computerphile about big powers and modulo. Maybe it's useful.

Square & Multiply Algorithm 



@Riny_van_Eekelen is correct. The highest power of 11 that you can calculate in Excel is 11^296.

11^2022 would be a number with 2106 digits...

You'll need a mathematics application.

@Riny_van_Eekelen , this is a Mathleague question and I would like to check the answer using Excel.
Thank you.