How to calculate 25% of the sum in a specific cell?

Copper Contributor

Sorry, but I'm not a native English speaker and I better explain this as simple and graphic as I can: 
My friend has a business and he wants to give his costumers a note he is writing in Excel, showing how much each item they have bought cost, and then the sum without 25% tax, then how much the 25% tax is,  and at the end the sum incl tax.

Let's say the numbers are written in column C:
From C1 to C10 we have a list of the cost of each item,  
C11 shows the sum of C1 to C10 (without 25% VAT) 
C12 shows much much the 25% VAT is 
C13 the total of the sum in C11 + the VAT in C12. 

But I don't know what formel write in C12 to find or calculate the 25% of the sum in C11?

After trying so many things and googling for days without any success, I now hope so much anyone here can help me.  

Thank you so much,

PS:  I'm not kidding; the Danish VAT really is 25% !!

2 Replies

Let say you wanna calculate the 25% in cell C13, do the following

that will give you the 25% of the Total value in C11



See the caption below
