How to automatically change the color of a cell from a sheet to other if I find a duplicate value

Copper Contributor



I am working with a lot of data entries on a daily basis, and I made an excel where I have 5 sheets with different data.  The excel file looks like: 


On the columns called Duplicates Check I used the formula =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Aged!A:A,1,0),"N/A") and so one for every sheet to show me if the same number from column A is found in other sheets in column A ( to check if there are duplicates ). 

My question is if it's possible when I change the color from one sheet for example from Aged ticket, I have a number and this has duplicates in the Untouched and Unassigned tickets, and the cell is blank or colored.  If I change the cell color from Aged and I put in on red, I want to automatically change the color in red for the duplicated values from Untouched and Unassigned tickets.  How can this be done? 

I would appreciate if someone can assist me with a VBA code or a conditional formatting as I am not so experienced with Excel :) 


To better understand, I will attach those pictures.

So the row 259 with INC0380772 has a duplicate value in ATB sheet. 


If I change this to red in Untouched sheet 


It will remain blank in the ATB sheet


And I want to automatically make the changes to a sheet from other. 


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