How can I write this as a formula?

Copper Contributor



I've done a survey of two seperate locations - location A has 12 employees and location B has 5 employees.


The staff at location B scored as total of 24 for their 'issues related answers' and the staff at location A scored 36.


Despite Location A having the greater number given the amount of employees that location B - they're more at risk.


How can I show this in a formula?

1 Reply

@cheeseontoast101 Can't really judge what risk you mean but when 12 people score 36 and 5 score 24, the average scores would be 36/12 = 3 for the first group and 24/5 = 4.8 for the second group.


So, in your example the lower average would mean the higher risk.  I a formula that could look like this:

Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 08.07.49.png