How can I define 36B als 36 Billion?

Copper Contributor

Hi Guys,


I wrote the numbers in my sheet as "36 M" instead of 36.000.000 and "36 B" instead of 36 billion.

How can excel recognize this as numbers?


Thanks in advance

5 Replies


If return result into the same cell that's with VBA programming. If into another cell that could be formula like

=--SUBSTITUTE(D4, " M", "000000")


thanks sergei. But if I substitute M by 000000, "3,4 M" are 3400000 which is one 0 to much? @Sergei Baklan 




=IF(RIGHT(A1,2)=" M",LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-2)*1000000,IF(RIGHT(A1,2)=" B",LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-2)*1000000000,A1))


=WENN(RECHTS(A1;2)=" M";LINKS(A1;LÄNGE(A1)-2)*1000000;WENN(RECHTS(A1;2)=" B";LINKS(A1;LÄNGE(A1)-2)*1000000000;A1))


Sorry, didn't think about decimals. As variant

=LEFT(A1, FIND(" ",A1) - 1 )*LOOKUP( RIGHT(A1), {"B","M"}, {1e9,1e6} )


thank you!