Hours/Mins X(Rate) wont add up correct

Copper Contributor

I have setup a sheet for me to add hours/mintues worked in excel.

That part seems fine.

The hours/Mins add up to: (I10)19:20

The Hourly Rate is: (G11) £12.17

For the total sum: (I12) £235.29


The total sum is: =SUM(I10*24)*G11


For this period i am out by around 4p?

19.33 x 12.17 = 235.2461 so £235.25


Any ideas where I am going wrong?



2 Replies


19:20 is not 19.33 hours but 19.33333333333... hours.

19.333333333333 * 12.17 =235.2866666666, which becomes 235,29 when rounded to  2 decimal places.

Aghh Makes sense. Thank you! @HansVogelaar