Help with order sheet

Copper Contributor
Hi, I’m hoping someone can help me. I’m trying to set up an order sheet on excel where I can keep a track of customer orders, names and addresses and then have a total number of items ordered at the bottom. So I want to have in the first column the customers name, second column their address, third column their order (which could be multiples of different orders) and then fourth column a total price for that customer.
I’m trying to work out a way to get a total at the bottom of how many of each item has been ordered across all customers. So for example, customer A orders white choc blondie, biscoff blondie, customer B orders raspberry brownie, customer C orders white choc blondie, raspberry brownie. I want to find a way for excel to show me how many white choc blondies are ordered, how many raspberry brownies are ordered etc. I hope this makes sense and someone can help me!!
Oh, and I also want to add a value to each item, so to add the price to each of the items to then get a total price in the final column. If anyone knows how to do this it would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
1 Reply





It is not good design practice to combine customer details and orders into one table - it is better to have a customer table and an orders table. I have done a simple design to show a customer table and an orders table. Associated with the order table are two 'pivot tables' - the pivot tables allow you to present the data in may different ways. I have shown one by customer  and one by order. These are just examples but there are many different options.


I hope this helps!

