Help with IF function. Please help!

Copper Contributor

I know this should be easy but we had no help at all with this. 


Here are the instructions for this step:


"Insert an IF function in cell E5 to calculate the total due. If the student has chosen to personalize the ring, there is an additional charge of 5% located in cell B21 that must be applied; if not, the student only pays the base price. Use appropriate relative and absolute cell references."



5 Replies



Hi thanks for the help. 


I did what you said and it came up with a #Value! error. 

I added C5 instead of C4!!! It worked! Thank you!

Hi Erin,


One more question. =IF((D5="Yes"),(C4*1.05),C4)


Why did you add the 1.05? I can understand it all, but what is the 1 for? .05 is the percentage. Why the 1?

That's simple maths. 


How do you add 5% to a number? Either use number + (number * 0.05) or, shorter, use number*1.05