Help with an Excel Formula

Copper Contributor

I have an Excel template that contains the following formula.
What is DaysAndWeeks , it is not a range name or a macro.

5 Replies

Hi Den,


It shall be some name, please check in Name Manager (Formulas tab in ribbon)

The name does appear where you said, but it does not appear anywhere in any sheet in the workbook.  I think I need to find someone that I can send the workbook to, for them to look at it.


The workbook works in Excel 2007 on my laptop but I downloaded the workbook to Google Sheets and Google Sheets does not like this formula {=DaysAndWeeks+DATE(CalendarYear,1,1)-WEEKDAY(DATE(CalendarYear,1,1),(WeekStart="Mo")+1)+1}. There is no hidden sheet nor are there any hidden rows or columns in the workbook.

Den, if the name is in Name Manager you may see in it what the name means. Anyway, it looks like that's known template and,


could you attach the template to your post here?

I didn't find the template, but that's just array constant

DaysAndWeeks={0,1,2,3,4,5,6} + {0;1;2;3;4;5}*7 

please see that post


Thus it won't appear within the sheet, just a constant


@Den Hewitt 
hi Den,
You should create a range name.
Try this one:
DaysAndWeeks = {0\1\2\3\4\5\6} + {0:1:2:3:4:5}*7 (excel)