Help- Sort data to cumulative and then create pareto chart

Copper Contributor


Can someone please help me with the following?

I need to sort the results cumulatively, so i can create a pareto chart  in excel for an assessment.

<Chart Removed due to PII>

3 Replies


Thanks for your reply Mathetes!
This is actually an assessment for a course and ‘the names as they appear to be’ are fictitious, they’re not real. So calm your farm. I find your response quite passive aggressive, patronising and unnecessary.
In the meantime, we’ve worked it out. Thanks.
PS How do I delete the post?



Please forgive me. I used to be a manager of HR data for a corporation, and am particularly sensitive to unintentional compromises of privacy; it happens here on this site more than you might believe. You did such a good job of rendering fictitious names I just assumed they were real and wanted to warn you.


On the questions, I really meant them as further clarification of what you were trying to do. 

Glad you solved it elsewhere.


And finally it turns out that the best you can do is edit a prior posting; it IS possible to delete a posted file, but a comment can only be I did with the one that so offended you. Thank you for speaking up to let me know how my tone came across. I'll be more careful in the future.