[HELP!!!] Importing time series data with different dates.

Copper Contributor

I want to create a table which depends on the date and the time series. For example, I want to get the Date and Values for Series 1, then I want the dates to start on the May-15 and if I need to get the values for series 2, I would want the date to start on Oct-17. 

5 Replies
Will you be so kind as to give a little bit detailed explanation regarding your request, @NewbieTTM?
Thanks in advance



Are you desiring/describing a single table with those different parameters for Series 1 and Series 2? Or are those two examples for two tables?


In any event, if you have access to the FILTER function--it's available on the newest versions of Excel--then that should be able to extract the data you want from this starting raw data. I've attached an example for your first example. Here's the formula.

=FILTER(FundData3[[Date]:[Series 1]],FundData3[Date]>='Series 1'!C3,"No data meet criterion")


Note, this is a Dynamic Array function, so is entered in only one cell with the results "spilling" into however many rows are needed. You do not need to copy the formula down. For more info on how FILTER and some other associated Dynamic Array functions work, I suggest viewing this YouTube video.


Learn everything about our brand-new Dynamic Arrays and how you can use them to build advanced spreadsheets. Arrays (CSE) have long been present in Excel, but were limited to power users. With Dynamic Arrays we have rebuilt the calc engine, effectively turning all formulas into array formulas ...

@Ilgar_Zarbaliyev Apologies I didn't explain exactly what I wanted. Say in a new tab, I create a drop down list to select the Series, I want to pull in Series 1, I would want the first value in the date column to be March 2015. If I select Series 2, I need the first value in the date column to be October 2017. So basically, I need the to pull a time series without any gaps at the start. Hope this helps.

Thanks @mathetes, I will try this on my latest version of excel.



You're welcome.


Feel free to come back with questions and further clarification if that doesn't do what you wish.