HELP! - I have no idea how to do it

Copper Contributor

I want to create a (scatter?) chart that will do the following on the axes A and P:

- show several items as xA, xP

- show several items as xA, xP - yA, yP

A similar chart I found on the net is attached, but I have no idea how it was made.

4 Replies

@ifiglus .

Please find an example

you can make it look prettier also...

hope this is useful

Thanks, but how did you connect the two Panasonic points and how did you assign different colors to different sections?



If you noticed each type of camera is a separate scatter plot.

you can then decide if a scatter plot has lines or not


if you want I can upload another example


check this tutorial


@Ramiz_Assaf Wow! Thanks for the amazing tutorial! It will not only let me create a graphical representation of my camera lens collection, it will be a great crash course in how to create graphs in Excel. Terrific!