HELP!!how to display data from jumped multiple sheet_1 columns(e.g. column a&d&g...) in sheet_2

Copper Contributor

Hi all,

I'm asked to do a 2-sheets excel for my aunt, in which sheet_1 store all the data and sheet_2 display the data controlling by the Drop-down list.

Currently I'm facing an issue, as my aunt want the data store in sheet_1 in specific format (invoice| job| details of charges| revenue| outlay| details of charges| revenue| outlay| details of charges| revenue| outlay...etc), I cant do it easily in way of define and name and V LOOKUP them.

I'm new to excel and the forum, I have no idea of how to do this. Please can anyone help? I'd upload the photos with an ideal output example in sheet_3 using the first as standard.

Thanks a lot!

1 Reply

it's just like

invoice| job| details of charges| revenue| outlay| details of charges| revenue| outlay| details of charges| revenue| outlay
...| ...| ... |... |...... |... |...... |... |...
...| ...| ... |... |...... |... |...... |... |...

...| ...| ... |... |...... |... |...... |... |...

job ...

details of charges| revenue| outlay
... |... |...
... |... |...
... |... |...

the data are just there, but i have no idea of how i can get them in order in this way(from column c, f, i, l...etc) and list out.