Function Aging

Copper Contributor


I am trying to build a macro for aging based on agedate (last day of the month) and dates of service. What am i doing wrong?


Function Aging( dos AS Date, agedate AS Date) AS string

‘Calculates aging date based on date of service and an input age date'

SELECT CASE agedate – dos

CASE IS < =1

                               Aging = “DOS is after age Date!”

                CASE IS < 30

                                Aging = “0-30”

                CASE IS < 60

                                Aging = “31-60”

                CASE IS < 90

                                Aging = “61-90”

                CASE IS < 120

                                Aging = “91-120”

                CASE IS < 150

                                Aging = “121-150”

                CASE IS < 180

                                Aging = “151-180”

                CASE IS < 210

                                Aging = “181-210”

                CASE IS < 240

                                Aging = “211-240”

                CASE IS < 270

                                Aging = “241-270”

                CASE IS < 300

                                Aging = “271-300”

                CASE IS >= 365

                                Aging = “>365”


END Function

1 Reply


VBA requires straight quotes instead of curly quotes.

Also, you're missing a few groups.

Try this version:


Function Aging(dos As Date, agedate As Date) As String
    'Calculates aging date based on date of service and an input age date
    Select Case agedate - dos
        Case Is < 0
            Aging = "DOS is after age Date!"
        Case Is <= 30
            Aging = "0-30"
        Case Is <= 60
            Aging = "31-60"
        Case Is <= 90
            Aging = "61-90"
        Case Is <= 120
            Aging = "91-120"
        Case Is <= 150
            Aging = "121-150"
        Case Is <= 180
            Aging = "151-180"
        Case Is <= 210
            Aging = "181-210"
        Case Is <= 240
            Aging = "211-240"
        Case Is <= 270
            Aging = "241-270"
        Case Is <= 300
            Aging = "271-300"
        Case Is <= 330
            Aging = "301-330"
        Case Is <= 365
            Aging = "331-365"
        Case Else
            Aging = ">365"
    End Select
End Function


Let's say AgeDate is in C1 and the dates in B3 and down.

Enter the following formula in C3;




and fill down.