
Copper Contributor



You time for example a number in C4 (like 3.597,00) and in D4 (x 8.692,05). Now I need to get to the result in F4 but I don't want to type (=3.597*8.692,05).


I know there is a formula or a way that will see the x as an *. But I sadly forgot.


And is there a way to do the same thing with the devision? C4 (like 3.597,00) and in D4 (/ 8.692,05) to get the result and not having to type (=3.597/8.692,05)


Thank you in advance. (BTW English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if I made errors)



5 Replies


If like this


it could be

=IFERROR( CHOOSE( ( LEFT(D4)="x") + (LEFT(D4)="/")*2, C4*RIGHT(D4, LEN(D4)-1), C4/RIGHT(D4, LEN(D4)-1)  ), "wrong data")


The result is indeed what I'm trying to get, but I don't remember that the formula was so long and complicated. But thank you anyway.


You could do the following:

In E4, enter the formula =C4*D4

Select F4.

On the Formulas tab of the ribbon, select Define Name.

In the Name box, enter Eval

In the Refer to box, enter the formula =EVALUATE(Sheet2!E4)

Click OK.

Enter the following formula in F4:  =Eval

This can be filled down if necessary.



Heeft u die formule toevallig ook in het Nederlands?


EVALUATE is een oude Excel 4.0 macro-functie die alleen werkt in een gedefinieerde naam. Ik weet eerlijk gezegd niet of de functie in de Nederlandse versie is vertaald of niet.

Probeer daarom zowel EVALUATE als EVALUEREN en kijk of het werkt.