Sep 17 2024 07:46 AM
hello y'all, I would like to know how to do this calculation(in excel for Mac) -> 80+(60*1.05)
Sep 17 2024 11:57 AM
hello y'all, I would like to know how to do this calculation(in excel for Mac) -> 80+(60*1.05)
I have to ask what you've tried.
Because the only thing missing from what you have written is the equals sign. All formulas in Excel begin with the equals sign.
So in the case you're asking about, =80+(60*1.05)
May I offer a bit of advice (on the assumption that you're new to Excel): don't be afraid to play with Excel. You're not going to break anything by trying things out. What would seem reasonable? As you get more advanced, and are looking around for a function to do something new and different, ask yourself "What might I call it if I, say, wanted to check a table for the price of vegetables based on the name of the vegetable?" And, by asking yourself that question, you'll find one of the many ways to look things up...functions like LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and so forth, variations on the theme of retrieving values from a table of information. In fact, here's a good source to explore on your own. That link will take you to the many ways Excel helps you look things up, but stay on the site to explore on your own.