Formulas and Functions

Copper Contributor

Inventory list_update.png

Hi, in above table I have articles with 0 or more volume. Sometimes the article-number can appear 2 times because it is represented in 2 separate warehouses. Exercise is to show in column "Message" Available for both lines if it is a duplicate and one of the duplicate is 0. If the article is available in one of both warehouses, each of the warehouses should show "Available" for one and the same article (See A and B highlighted). Message for A and B with 0 inventory is not yet showing the corrected Message "Available" reason why I need your help





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Assuming that your data are inA2:C50 with headers in A1:C1, enter the following formula in C2, then fill down:

=IF(COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$50,A2,$B$2:$B$50,0),"Availability to be confirmed","Available")