
Copper Contributor

Which formula can I use to find the Employee Name in Column H from the code in Column G in the Employee Table.  My Office 365 does not have the formula function xlookup.  Please see the attached in the Functions Tab.  

3 Replies

@mvanoord  use vlookup instead


You can watch the short video below of both VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP yo guide you

@mvanoord Your example clearly suggests to use XLOOKUP. But since your Excel doesn't support that function yet, you need to use a combination of INDEX and MATCH in H2 and copy it down.



The order of the columns A:D isn't suitable for using VLOOKUP straight away. You need to move the "ID#" column towards the left side of your table, so that it becomes column A. Then you can use


in H2 in stead.


When XLOOKUP becomes available in your Windows365 channel, this would be how to use it
