Formula to auto enter data from another sheet

Copper Contributor


I have 2 sheets in the same workbook


What I'm trying to figure out is how when I enter data in the "Service Provider" column C, It will auto enter the data in the colums D, E and F in sheet 1 based on the data stored in Sheet 2 (I want the service provider to be the key to join the two sheets)



 Thanks in advance...

3 Replies


In D3 on Sheet1:

=XLOOKUP(C3, Sheet2!$B$3:$B$6, Sheet2!$C$3:$E$6, "")

Fill down to D6.

Thank you so much for your quick reply, I realized I can't use the XLOOKUP formula as my workspace computer is running Office 2013. Unfortunately, it doesn't have this formula :expressionless_face:

Can you help me with another method for old office versions?



In D3:


=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($C3, Sheet2!$B$3:$E$6, COLUMN()-2, FALSE), "")


Fill to the right to F3, then fill down.