Formula or replace text

Copper Contributor

Good Morning, have been bashing my head for 2 hours trying to work this project out & not getting anywhere.

TrackHorse        Days Since Last start          Finish Position last Start
  < 1011 > 1516 > 30Won by 3L +Won by < 3L2nd or 3rd
KENTRed Rumbb   cc 

When entering a value for either C4 D4 or E4 in the example above can I enter any text, say bb, in the cell e.g lets say it was 8 days since Red Rum last competed so he gets assessed at 32 points. Then for my next criteria he won his last race by less than 3 lengths, I've put cc which gets him 23 points.

What's the simplest way to speed this up please?

Do I have to write a formula for each column or do I need to "replace text" so I end up with the numbers I want that will get totaled further along that row after assessing other criteria or am I just a bit dim & over-thinking this?

Many thanks


1 Reply
Oh dear that didn't cut n paste very well the "Finish position last start" got shifted way over to the left sorry