Mar 21 2023 12:24 PM
Hi need help to build a formula to control our inventory but I´m running circles.
- First time the item is added it needs to verify and return from the inventory sheet
- 2nd and others should return from "result column"
- I tried to used MAX and VLOOKUP no success.
Thanks for any kind of help
Mar 21 2023 01:00 PM
You can try this formula. Enter the formula with ctrl+shift+enter if you don't work with Office 365 or Excel 2021. In the example the value for a product that is added for the first time is taken from the "inventory sheet" in columns I and J.
Mar 22 2023 04:15 AM
Mar 22 2023 04:43 AM
SolutionI assume you don't work with Office365. If so you have to enter the formula as a matrixformula with ctrl+shift+enter. This puts the curly brackets (highlighted in yellow in the screenshot) around the formula in older versions of Excel e.g. in my Excel 2013.
Mar 22 2023 04:59 AM
@OliverScheurichThanks, missed it! Worked like a charm!
Mar 22 2023 04:43 AM
SolutionI assume you don't work with Office365. If so you have to enter the formula as a matrixformula with ctrl+shift+enter. This puts the curly brackets (highlighted in yellow in the screenshot) around the formula in older versions of Excel e.g. in my Excel 2013.