Jan 26 2023 07:41 AM
I'm using Microsoft Excel 2016 on a PC. I am creating a report that lists the number of specific types of interactions with clients by Team during a chosen time frame. I have been able to accomplish this using COUNTIFS formulas. This is the top section. What I need to do now is to list the same data in the bottom section but this time counting the number of distinct clients that had that interaction. I have searched and tried a number of different approaches, but I can't solve this :^( Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is a link to an example file. The first tab "Data" contains the data I'm summarizing. The second sheet "Sheet1" contains the summary using formulas. : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VwOR_Y5qQTYDgK2Px3tdm0jKjARb-5Cj/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=10...
And here is an example of the formula I'm using on the top part.
Data!$C:$C has the time of the interaction
Sheet1!$D$1 concatenates ">=" with the desired Start Date
Sheet1!$D$2 concatenates "<=" with the desired End Date
Data!$D:$D has the Team Designation
Sheet1!$A6 Is the Row Label that contains the Team Designation for that row
Data!$E:$E has the type of interaction (in this example there are no blank rows but in the real situation there are a large number of blank rows).
Sheet1!B$5 is the Column Label that has the type of interaction in that Column
Jan 26 2023 08:38 AM
Hi @RobDevens,
if your COUNTIFS formula generally works ok, then you can try it like this for a distinct count:
Please note that you have to enter it as an array formula, That means, you must not enter the curly brackets manually, but use CTRL+Shift+Enter to close the formula.
Jan 27 2023 07:22 AM
Jan 30 2023 06:22 AM
Jan 31 2023 11:50 AM