Formula for playing cards

Brass Contributor

Dear community,


With your help I was able to solve problems in the past. I hope you can help me again.


I need a formula that enables me to filter on 3(or more) consecutive cards. The 4th card from column B in combination with 3 cards from column A.


In the enclosed example. An 8 and J gives 3 consecutive cards with T95(JT95 and T985).

With A43 a 2 gives 4 consecutive cards(A432). A 5 gives 3 consecutive cards(A435).

With 765, both an 8 and 4 give 4 consecutive cards(8765 and 7654).


Potential problems

1. The numbers 2-9 are logically consecutive for Excel. But I am concerned if 9TJ can be seen as such as well. Since they are letters and not numbers.

2. Same as in Rummikub. A234 is consecutive. QKA2 is NOT. The A is the final card for both ways.


In the enclosed file I showed for T95 how I would like to see it. I couldn't add 3 other cards. Since an 8 would not make 3 consecutive cards with A43 for example.


If something is unclear. Please don't hesitate and ask me to clarify.


Thank you for your help and effort.

44 Replies

Do you mean ''not connected'' by n/c? I would rather have FALSE replaced by ''Nothing'' or ''None''. Or at least something so I can rename it later in time.


For the flop It is not necessary to have something. Thank you.


What would be great though. Is add a ''Three of a kind'' (and ''Double paired'') filter option. On 554+5 for example (554+4). But you have already done so much. So don't feel obligated whatsoever.

@Kalthof "n/c" is commonly used for "no change" but I replaced false with "-" in the attached and added the 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind, and 2 pair also :)

it was kind of neat how it worked out.  I found out how many times the new card # was in the flop and then:

if 0 do everything as before

if 1 then found a "pair"

if 2 then found 3 of kind

if 3 then 4 of a kind

then I went back to the pair and checked if 2 of the cards had a pair in the flop and if so then 2 of a kind otherwise just a pair.

You are the absolute best. I already feel like overreaching but you just go over the top be adding another thing.

A thousand thanks!

@Kalthof  So it occurred to me after my previous update how easy it would be to do the logical next item you didn't ask for (yet...).  See attached :)

Haha I would if I not already had that. The suits follow a logical pattern in my document. So I was able to solve that issue without a formula. But thank you anyway.