find value in a column when two rows match

Copper Contributor

i thought this would be simple but - i don't know enough to make it work.

i have a simple "sheet 1" with information such as..

Name       Amount    Month     Type   

if name and month = values in "Sheet 2" i need the value of Amount.


thank you in advance for any help.  if more information is needed i will make it available.  



1 Reply


As far as I could understand...

To find the value of the Amount column in "Sheet 1" based on matching Name and Month values from "Sheet 2," you can use the VLOOKUP function in Excel. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open both "Sheet 1" and "Sheet 2" in your Excel workbook.
  2. In "Sheet 2," create a column (e.g., column D) where you want to display the matching Amount values.
  3. In the cell D2 (assuming row 1 contains headers), enter the following formula:

=VLOOKUP(A2,'Sheet 1'!$A$2:$D$100,2,FALSE)

    • Replace 'Sheet 1' with the actual name of your "Sheet 1" if it's different.
    • Adjust the range 'Sheet 1'!$A$2:$D$100 to encompass the actual data range in "Sheet 1."
    • The number 2 specifies the column index of the Amount column (assuming it's the second column in "Sheet 1").
    • FALSE indicates an exact match should be performed.
  1. Drag the formula down in column D of "Sheet 2" to apply it to the remaining rows.

The VLOOKUP function will search for the Name value in "Sheet 2" (in cell A2) within the specified range in "Sheet 1." If a match is found, it will return the corresponding value from the Amount column.

Make sure the Name column in "Sheet 2" matches the Name column in "Sheet 1," and the Month column in "Sheet 2" matches the Month column in "Sheet 1" for accurate results. Adjust the formula and ranges accordingly based on your actual data layout.


If it is not what you want, please add detailed information. How step by step (cell by cell) explanation if necessary a photo or file (without sensitive data). Information such as Excel version, operating system, storage medium, etc. would also help.