Find And Replace to Add Line Breaks within Cells

Copper Contributor

Within a Cell Alt + Enter introduces an invisible Line Break or New Line Code.
Believe that code is Char(10)


How do I use Find & Replace to Find characters (let's say $$) and replace this with the Line Break code???

6 Replies


Enter $$ in the 'Find what' box.

In the 'Replace with' box, press Ctrl+J. This enters a line break.

Do you happen to know the Ctrl+J equivalent for Excel for Mac, version 16.88

@DennisGalon Do you happen to know the Ctrl+J equivalent for Excel for Mac, version 16.88

I'm not familiar with Excel for Mac shortcut keys, but how about trying this? In a spare cell, place the formula =CHAR(10) and then copy the cell, and then immediately paste that into the same cell using a Paste Values. Then you could recopy the cell and use it in the Find and Replace dialog.
Almost worked. Instead of a line break, it entered " "

I also tried =CHAR(13) as I saw that some versions of Excel for Mac used that insted of =CHAR(10).

Thank you.