FILTER function suddenly not working anymore

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone,


I have a workbook that I've used for weeks now with FILTER() function in it. Never had an issue.

Suddenly, the results display #NOM? (Excel is in French, I suppose the translation would be #NAME?) and the function isn't FILTER() anymore it is: _xlfn._xlws.FILTER()


I've read that it seems to be a versionning issue but my Excel version is up to date:


Capture d’écran 2023-12-17 à 23.27.54.png


Does anyone know the answer to my issue here? Many thanks.


2 Replies


Shouldn't it be FILTRE in French?

best response confirmed by LouisM33 (Copper Contributor)

No it is FILTER indeed @HansVogelaar 


Changed the Language to English and then back to French, restarted my laptop and it is fixed now 🙂

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by LouisM33 (Copper Contributor)

No it is FILTER indeed @HansVogelaar 


Changed the Language to English and then back to French, restarted my laptop and it is fixed now 🙂

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