Extract mutliple rows from a dataset

Copper Contributor

Hi all, I have a large data set with 3,044 rows and several across.  I want to locate and pull out a specific 108 of them.  The only way I know how to do it is through the filter option and that takes a long time.  I have done it twice and already have a sheet with the specific items that I want but I need to do it again.  Basically, this is a longitudinal study of 3,044 individuals with several datasets on different spreadsheets and I want to extract the same 108 on each spreadsheet, but need an easier way than filtering it each time.  Is there a way to tell Excel, "hey, I want these 108 individuals from this spreadsheet, can you pull those individuals and their entire row for me?" This is for my dissertation and i"m not overly Excel savvy. Thank you!

1 Reply



If you have the most recent version of Excel, there is a FILTER function now, and you can use it to extract any number of rows that meet criteria you specify. Short of seeing your actual spreadsheet, I can't give you much more. Here, though, is a link to a YouTube video that serves as a wonderful intro and demo.




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