Exclusion filter

Brass Contributor


The formula below works fine. What I wanted to do is add an exclusion of “OOS” and “OTS-Build” categories within the same (Table13910), within the [WAVE] column.

Ideally give me “Yes” from [EOL] but not if there is a “OOS” or “QTS-Build” category within the [WAVE] column. 

=FILTER(Table13910[Tags],Table13910[EOL WL]="Yes","")
Can someone help?
2 Replies


Does this do what you want?


=FILTER(Table13910[Tags],(Table13910[EOL WL]="Yes")*(Table13910[WAVE]<>"OOS")*(Table13910[WAVE]<>"OTS-Build"),"")


This works great.

Thank you so much.