
Copper Contributor

 I would like to know how to format paa true or false, a cell that depends on the value of another will have a certain range. For example, c6 will be true if b5 has a value of 5, c6 must be between 310 to 311. if b5 has a value of 6, c6 must be true if it has a value of 311 to 312.

3 Replies


Do you want to format (color) C6 conditionally, or do you want to restrict the values you can enter depending on the value of B5?



Select C6.

On the Home tab of the ribbon, select Conditional Formatting > New Rule...

Select 'Use a formula to determine which cells to format'.

Enter the formula




Click Format...

Activate the Fill tab.

Select a color.

Click OK, then click OK again.