Excel Workbook link

Brass Contributor

I am looking for a way to access date from a different workbook with various sheets. is there a formula that links to a different workbook, but selects a different sheet according to the function? For example, workbook1 has 3 sheets: A, B, and C. workbook2 has a reference to workbook1 in cell A1, but selects the sheet as named in cell B1: A, B, or

2 Replies
The INDIRECT function allows that, but I would not recommend using it as it only works when both workbooks are open in Excel. Have a look at Data, Get Data, From File, From Workbook.
thanks, but i would like to find another alternative. but this is what i am trying to come away with. I do have a query connection for now, but it takes up too much space, and i have to have a connection for every sheet. it also takes too long to refresh.