Apr 16 2024 09:40 AM - edited Apr 17 2024 05:55 AM
Per @NikolinoDE, adding pertinent information to the request. Thank you, NikolinoDE.
System information: Windows 11 Pro-64 bit. Microsoft 365 MSO version 2403, build 16.0.17425.20176 64 bit.
Overview: I have two tables on the same worksheet that pull from data on a different worksheet within the workbook. The two tables should be identical. The first table pulls the data correctly, but the second table results in #value! errors.
Detail: The original data is on tab LEVEL 1 PRICING + ADDS, located in table L1_TABLE_NP, column header row 10; data rows 11-30 as below—with range name L1_ROOM_NAME_NP.
This original data is referenced in a related worksheet and should populate two tables: NAME17_NP and NAME19_NP.
Table NAME17_NP is located on rows 10-30 of the separate worksheet. Row 10 is the column header and rows 11-30 reference =@L1_ROOM_NAME_NP. The names display correctly for this table as below.
For table NAME19_NP, the same formula results in #VALUE! error.
This same result occurs for every column in TABLE17_NP and TABLE19_NP. TABLE17_NP populates correctly, TABLE19_NP has all #VALUE! errors.
Thank you for any suggestions.
Apr 16 2024 11:27 PM
How to correct a #VALUE! error in the IF function from Microsoft
How to fix the #VALUE! error form Exceljet
#VALUE error in Excel: causes and fixes from Ablebits
If I may recommend, add the formula/s that are causing the problem. Explain your problem using these formulas. At the same time, add information such as Excel version, operating system, storage medium, file extension, etc. This information can help provide you with a tailor-made solution proposal from other users.
Finally, here is a link with information on how you can get a quick and precise solution proposal.
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Thank you for your understanding and patience
I know I don't know anything (Socrates)
Apr 17 2024 09:59 AM
It looks like you work with named ranges, not with structured table. If you have named range "MyRange" and reference on it as
it returns the value from exactly the same row of MyRange where the formula is entered. If above formula is in row 31 it returns the value from MyRange from row 31. If MyRange is in rows 2-17 (i.e. not defined for row 31), formula returns #VALUE! error - nothing from above range in row 31.
If you would like to reference on MyRange in another rows, as one of variants that could be
=INDEX(MyRrange, ROW()-ROW(header) )
where "header" is reference on the cell with target header.
Apr 20 2024 01:10 PM
Apr 20 2024 01:55 PM
Apr 21 2024 06:34 AM
In this case question is not why in theory #VALUE! error could appear. It's definitely incorrect cell references. Actually question is how to restructure data and/or which formulas to use to have desired result.
Apr 28 2024 07:24 AM