Excel save as csv on Sharepoint with VBA

Copper Contributor



Hopefully somenone knows how to do the following. I have the following script to create a csv file and store it locally. Now I want to save the csv file on Sharepoint but I am not able to create the right path for it. 

How would I need to construct the myCSVfilename_helprequired in order to have it saved directly in a Sharepoint directory?


Many thanks,



Option Explicit

Sub ExportData()
    Dim myCSVFileName As String
    Dim fNum As Integer
    Dim csvVal As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim fileNumber
    Dim vaData As Variant
    vaData = Blad1.Range("B2:I27").Value
    myCSVFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "/test.csv"
    myCSVFileName_HelpRequired = "" & "/test.csv"

    csvVal = ""
    fNum = FreeFile
    Open myCSVFileName For Output As #fNum
    For i = 1 To UBound(vaData)
        For j = 1 To UBound(vaData, 2)
            Select Case j
                Case 1, 3, 4
                    csvVal = csvVal & Chr(34) & vaData(i, j) & Chr(34) & ","
                Case 2, 7
                    csvVal = csvVal & Format(vaData(i, j), "0") & ","
                Case 5, 8
                    csvVal = csvVal & Format(vaData(i, j), "yyyy-mm-dd") & ","
                Case 6
                    csvVal = csvVal & Replace(Format(vaData(i, j), "0.00"), ",", ".") & ","
            End Select
        Next j
        Print #fNum, Left(csvVal, Len(csvVal) - 1)
        csvVal = ""
    Next i
    Close #fNum
End Sub




2 Replies
best response confirmed by MichielS340 (Copper Contributor)
If you are able to assign a drive letter to the sharepoint library you can keep your current VBA code. See:
thanks, I was hoping an easier approach (in the sense of no powershell) was possible...
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by MichielS340 (Copper Contributor)
If you are able to assign a drive letter to the sharepoint library you can keep your current VBA code. See:

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