Excel Power Query (Web Query) for website without tables

Copper Contributor



I am currently struggling with the excel web query. I have been using them successfully, but not yet for tables where the data is generated by Java Script (and is not in a <table>...<table/>. Hence my web query does not recognize it ;( 


I am trying to extract the table under "ZM Earnings Price Changes" on this website: https://www.tipranks.com/stocks/zm/earnings-calendar where XX is the symbol (in my example link zm ) .


The ideal functionality would look like this: 

Input: zm

navigate to this link: https://www.tipranks.com/stocks/"Input goes here"/earnings-calendar   where zm was filled in, the output should look like this: 

Aug 30, 2021 $340.81. $289.50. -15.06%
Jun 01, 2021. $331.53. $327.1.  -1.33%
Mar 01, 2021. $373.61. $372.79. -0.22%
Nov 30, 2020. $471.61. $406.31. -13.85%
Could anyone help me with this by any chance? I am using windows of course with the latest version of excel.. 


2 Replies

@Hawkridge91 Hi Hawkridge91, did you find out how to solve ths problem? I'm struggling with the exact same situation. Also I'd like to build something with stock analysis as you're doing.

Hi! to both of you

I have the same problem and cannot find a solution
see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74129360/excel-2019-2021-version-2208-2209-2210-import-data-from...

Did you find a solution/work around ?