Feb 25 2024 08:52 AM
So I am trying to create order templates in one tab
e.g. product A consists of 1,2 &3, product B consists of 1,4&5 etc
Then if customer A buys product A & customer B buys product A&B, in a separate second tab
How to I insert the different orders so the products would be added together then deducted in third tab for the inventory stock?
I managed to do an in and out stock levels but I cannot manage to do a template ordering of products when ordered by different customers to be added together then deducted from the main inventory stocks. Like by time and products of the products.
Anyone know where I can find a template?
Hope it makes sense
Thank you for your time
Here's the link
Feb 25 2024 05:07 PM
managed to do an in and out stock levels
If you want calculate the stock in hand or balance,I prefer input all stock in and out in one table so that you can get balance of each product more easily by sql
create temp table aa as
select amount,debit,customer,memo,checked from stock where debit<>'select one' union all
select -amount,credit,customer,memo,checked from stock where credit<>'select one' ;
select *,sum(amount) over ( partition by debit order by checked) balance from aa;
amount debit credit customer memo checked
10 | product_a | select one | customer_a | buy,increase stock | 2024-02-26 08:49:40-65dbe024c9fdd |
2 | select one | product_a | customer_a | sale,decrease stock | 2024-02-26 08:50:15-65dbe04785fb8 |
select oneproduct_a product_b product_c
select oneproduct_a product_b product_c
Feb 25 2024 05:12 PM