May 04 2022 04:11 AM
Could anyone help me with following tasks using just one excel formula? (dataset below)
1.Percentage of quarter's sales made by each trader. (for instance David´s sales for Q1..)
David James Sarah
2. 10. Who had the first, second and third highest sales by names?
3. . What percentage is each sale for all those made in the same year?
Thank you for any help
May 04 2022 04:15 AM
Since this is homework, I'll just provide a hint: you can use the SUMIFS function to sum the sales of a specific trader in a specific quarter, and also to sum all sales in the same quarter. The quotient of the two sums will return the percentage.
May 04 2022 04:50 AM
@tomas395 You need to specify the date range twice in the SUMIFS formula. For example, Q1 of 2013 is from January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013.
=SUMIFS(date_range, ">="&DATE(2013,1,1), date_range, "<="&DATE(2013,3,31))
May 04 2022 07:36 AM
You can use SUMIF or SUMIFS to sum the sales per person.
May 04 2022 11:56 AM
and answer for this task should be name of person. So who has highest, second highest and third highers sales. Any ideas?
May 04 2022 12:35 PM
You can create a list of persons and sales and sort it descending on sales.
May 04 2022 12:51 PM
@HansVogelaar I do not think it will work out, I need just one formula(see below)
May 04 2022 03:00 PM