Excel Help with If formula

Copper Contributor

Hi Everybody,


Could I please get some assistance on this spreadsheet I am making? I have two accounts (Core and Capacity) which have there own funds (A5 and C5). 


I would like the table below to be able to subtract funds from the Core and Capacity cells as they get entered. I made a basic formula =IF($B$8="core",$A$5-$E$8) or =IF($C$8="capacity",$A$5-$E$8) which works on a single cell. I would like to be able to work in on multiple cells but I get a VALUE ERROR using this formula =IF($B$8:$B10="core",$A$5-$E$8:$E10).




If there is any advice please let me know. im sure its something quite simple that I am missing,




2 Replies


In E5, that would be:


and in G5:


It's demonstrated in the attached workbook. 





Thank you very much. I found a work around but have modified to yours. a lot easier.


