Excel - Hard to word question

Copper Contributor

So I am a huge fan of "Googling" anything that I need to figure out. It has served me well over the years. I think the problem here is the same problem I'm having with searching these forums. I don't know exactly how to word what I am trying to figure out. So here's the situation...


I do Workforce Management and one of the tasks is to handle our call in line. We get a lot of call in's per day and we have a giant spreadsheet to keep record of everything we've received. There are several things I have to obtain on a daily basis and the client continues to ask for more and more details. I was wondering if there was someway to make like a 2nd sheet on the spreadsheet that contains the data and somehow link it so that when I enter a person's name that it populates the rest. Here is kind of an example of what I'm talking about. So say when I enter their name it would populate the text I've turned blue:


Agent ID:Last Name:First Name:Phone Number:Call In Date:Supervisor:Reason:Return Date:Time Of Call:Start Time:Location:Dept.
123456NorrisChuck555-555510/8/2019HaarNot working due to eating flame broiled flamingo.10/14/20199:189:45WAHClaims


The mean reason I ask is because I have to acquire this data from 3-4 different places. So it makes each call in take a few minutes. We get about 70 per day so it just felt like something that is possible, but I'm not sure how to pull it off. 


1 Reply


I recommend that your workbook must comply with the "best practices for spreadsheet design", foremost of which is that the same data must be obtained and entered only once. For subsequent entries, such data must either be selected from a drop-down list or extracted through an appropriate LOOKUP formula