Excel Grouping in Document onTeams

Copper Contributor


I have a spreadsheet with data that is grouped. When I share it on Teams it converts to a live document, which is great because everyone needs to be able to see live updates. The problem is when multiple people are in the document together (happens frequently) and a group is minimized it does so live on everyone's screen. When people are in the middle of data entry and the group above or below them opens/closes it moves the whole data set up/down messing people up. 


Does anyone know if the grouping can be native to the user while still having the sharing functionality? Any help would be much appreciated! 


Hope everyone is well.


1 Reply


It was Sheet View introduced few months ago https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/sheet-view-is-generally-available/ba-p/1032576


You may try with it, in Teams interface it's here
