Excel graphs

Copper Contributor

Hey community,


I want to add three squares into a scatter plot to kind of group the points that I have in these three graphs. However, the squares have exact coordinates where they should be and I'd like them to be kind of shaded and in the background (behind the legend, the coordinates, etc.). I don't seem to find a solution though. Using the shapes feauture allows me to add a square obviously, though neither can I put it in its exact position, nor can I format it to be shaded and in the background.

(Picture attached: The graph with squares that I inserted using the shapes feauture. However, points are not exact and I want it to be shaded and in the background)





4 Replies

@TheAlbinodonkey , to make exact squares, plot them as a different series containing 5 points each and then convert the chart type of those series to scatter with straight lines. The 5 points of each square must be the Lower Left, then Upper Left, then Upper right, then Lower right, then again lower left.

Example file attached.








Afraid there is no straightforward solution for adding filled/shaded boxes. Workaround techniques are here

Shaded Quadrant Background for Excel XY Scatter Chart - Peltier Tech

Fill Under or Between Series in an Excel XY Chart - Peltier Tech


Don't miss comments to above if you go such way, they could be quite useful.

@Sergei Baklan , speaking of workarounds, at the moment of quick need at work, too much "tricky" workarounds may not be possible to implement due to need to search the trick or not much time available amid busy work. How is this one? It is imperfect but fast to recall and implement, perhaps(?)





That's @TheAlbinodonkey shall decide if solution meets his needs.


Reminds me drawing the polygons in Excel with bunch of points and quite bad performance. But that could be, why not.