Jul 19 2022 09:12 AM
Excel Forumla to Extract data between first and last occurrance of specific character
I need an Excel Forumla that will extract and return the data between first and last occurrance of the _ (underscore) character.
I have around 400+ files I have been given to rename from the format they were provided in to one that we work in and I am trying to write a formula that will produce the rename code (string) I can copy in to a CMD window to do this.
I have written formulas that take the contents of a specified cell and adds the CMD shell rename code, ie:
ren "old flle name" "new file name"
which works perfectly.
I have no problem getting a list of file names in to a single column in a worksheet and this is the format of the naming scheme for the files I have been given (these are dummy names of course).
I need
So far I have got..
This works as expected as long as there are only two characters before the first _ (underscore), however if there are three characters as seen in line two of my first example, (100_Orange_Apple_Plum_Pineapple_Black.xls) it returns..
Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction?
Jul 19 2022 09:49 AM
Maybe with this formula.
Jul 19 2022 11:10 AM
Thank you for kindly helping.
It works perfectly and I would never have been able to work out something that complex.
You have really helped me.
Jul 19 2022 09:49 AM
Maybe with this formula.