excel error mean calculation with #number! in column

Copper Contributor
I am designing a database. In this database I have a column with totals that is often updated. Part of the cells of this column are filled with numbers and part with #number! were not all info is available yet. Despite the presence of missing data I would like to calculate the mean of the already present data. But if I write a simple formula: =MEAN(L2:L63) this doesn't work because of the #number! errors in some of the cells. I would like excell to ignore the errors and calculate the mean of the already present data. I thought something along the lines of: IFcell>=0 THEN MEAN (L2:L63) may work but unfortunately not. Can somebody give me a tip on how to solve this? Thanks!
6 Replies



Include and error check in the formula for the total column. For example:


It returns an empty cell in case the sum formula would otherwise generate an error.



Does this work for you?


Thanks! My column is based on a datedif function: DATEDIF(E2;F2;“d“). If I add the error check like in your example it looks like this: =IF(ISERROR(DATEDIF(E2;F2;“d“)),““,DATEDIF(E2;F2“d“)) . Tried this in excel but I get the reply that this does not contain enough arguments. Do you know how I can solve this? Thanks!
@Subodh_Tiwari_sktneer unfortunately it returns an error..


What error did you get?


Btw you may fix your Datedif formula to handle errors like this...




You may choose one depending upon your requirement.


I think you are missing a semi-colon after F2 in the latter part of the formula.