Excel Dropdown list font size

Copper Contributor

I set up a drop-down list in my Excel Spreadsheet. It turned out that the font size of the options when the drop-down is opened is challenging to folks with average vision, let alone those with aging and very weak visions. They cannot read it! I am struggling to read it myself.

I researched it among the Community, only to find that it can only be changed using VBA. But I am not sure what percentage of Excel Users are VBA-competent or even literate. I am not!

Microsoft can do one of two things:

1) Make the default font size really big that no one would complain of being unable to read it.

2) Enable normal font size adjustment as in normal content.


Why is one of the above options impossible to do?

And if it is not impossible to do, can Office Engineers please deliver us? The List facility in Excel is a very important one.

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