Excel add-in - POST request

Copper Contributor


I'm developing an add-in for Excel, using JavaScript. This add-in needs to make requests to an API. I'm using AJAX to make these requests, but the only response I get is an error. ({"readyState":0,"status":0,"statusText":"error"} to be precise.) I know the problem has nothing to do with the internals of the requests, since the requests work fine when I use Postman to test them.

It's a POST request which is cross-domain, and I suspect this might have something to do with the problem. The most obvious cause I came across concerns communication across different security zones. However, the API server is SSL-secured, so this cannot be the cause of my problem.

I think I may be missing something related to Office add-ins or even Excel add-ins specifically, that stops me from sending these requests, but I can't find more information on what it could be. If anybody can help me solve this problem or knows what might be the cause, please reach out.

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