Excel 365 online Autofilter limit to display/ filter 1130 lines

Copper Contributor

I am trying to fiter some lines of a really not long document with less than 3000 entries.

When I apply the autofilter it alwaysws shows me the warning:
Not all items showing With the Warning sign.


I did reapply the autofilter, put the filter in another hight in (line 1130) even though the limit continues to be 1130 rows that are being displyed in the filter options.
When I scroll down I can see al entries, but I cannot use the autofilter which would be a great help for my task.

Any ideas on how to get in working?
Thanks for your help already.

2 Replies
The reason is In Excel 2003, the “AutoFilter” Dropdown list shows the first 1K unique items. If you have more than a thousand unique items in the list, only the first 1k items appear.

You can use the “AutoFilter” command on several smaller sections of the data instead of on all the data at the same time. All the list items will be visible if each subset has no more unique members than the limit for the particular version of Excel.

The Excel 2010 and higher have a Search feature which was added to the Filter Dropdown list which allows the user to use search to display records that are not in the first 10,000 unique items.

Other than this, if you face any kind of .xls or .xlsx file corruption in Excel you can check out this reference [https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/Lync/en-US/e5692c4a-924d-44a5-985b-7878f3eb26de/corrupte...]
Hello Zorro_OP123
thank you for your reply.

I am using online excel 365. The autofilter shows me exactly 1002 unique items.

I attached a photo (screen shot) of the filter and there is no search feature.
So unfortunately this does not help me so far.