Excel 365> autofill, flash fill, custom lists not working

Copper Contributor


Working here on a latest Windows 10 Pro with latest Office 365 Version 2212 Build 16.0.15928.20196 64-bit.

I had found a couple of months ago some weird behavior and today was trying to resolve it as it got too annoying to live with.

Issue 1. When I try to enter Options->Advanced->Edit Custom Lists, nothing happens. The "Advanced Options" window closes for a moment and opens again. So, there is no way to edit custom lists.

Issue 2. But what is most frustrating is that Excel does not understand simple series any more. I enter 1 and 2, select them both and try to stretch with autofill function, but just receive an endless line or columnt of 1s and 2s. So this:


Becomes this:


Same goes for Monday and Tuesday, for example. When I enter dates, say 1.01.2023 and 1.02.2023, I get a sequence of them in turns. 

If I try to Ctrl+E them (Flash Fill), I get this:



I tried reinstalling Office. Uninstall / Clean Registry / Clean using Microsoft SARA, and then installing again after restarting the computer - no luck. I get the installer from my Microsoft account page.

The needed "enable fill handle" and all the other options have been turned off and on again a gazillion times - nothing:




Anyone had the same problem with lucky ending? Or am I the only "lucky" here?


Thanks in advance

6 Replies

Hi @pejbox 


You're not the only lucky one. I'm on the same Version + Build (Click To Run) and have been experiencing the auto-fill issues for days at least (same with previous version). I haven't checked the other issue you mentioned

The same is happening to me. I'm on the latest windows 11 with updates.


Not sure when this happened exactly but functionnalities are back here for about a month

Currently running Version 2302 Build 16130.20332 Current Channel where everthing works as expected

Well, I am still out of luck. Had to buy and install a 2021 version and today after reading L z. reply, decided to give M365 another try. And... it still does not work. Auto series still do not work. And I am still unable to enter Custom lists. Also, built-in lists do not work (try entering "Monday" and then auto-filling with series filler. I get "Monday" only). The version is the latest one: Version 2304 (build 16327.20248 Click-to-Run).
I am frustrated. Will have to reinstall 2021 version again. And, what's even more frustrating, is that I can not install two versions in parallel: one for one user, second - for the other. As soon as I enter a 2021 key, both users' versions become 2021. But that's not the issue of this topic, just another complaint.
So, no solution as of today, 17.05.2023.

Also have the same issue - unable to resolve it with any "Options" configurations - perhaps MS will address the issue? @pejbox 

Installed fresh version today: 2312 (Build 17126.20126 Click-to-Run) and having same issues. I guess Microsoft is not going to investigate and make any improvements - there seems to be too few of us with this problem.