Dec 17 2023 07:06 PM - edited Dec 17 2023 08:00 PM
So I'm trying to get some VBA scripts working on Windows 11, Excel 2021 after migrating from Windows 10, Excel 2016. However my scripts that make ImageMagick run in a multi-threaded fashion no longer work properly.
If you refer to the attached screenshot you'll see that none of the spawned child processes are active. If you wait long enough, they'll eventually complete. On Excel 2016, these processes would run right immediately and you'd get 100% processor usage.
How do I fix it so that spawned processes will run as fast as possible?
Edit: The reason I'm using the WSH.Exec is because I want to directly retrieve the returned text magick.exe. Interestingly, the WSH.Run method doesn't seemed to affected by this issue at all.
This code basically shows the method of spawning a number of windows up to variable MaxProcesses
Dim wsh As Object: Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim ShellObj() As Object, ShellOut() As Object, ActiveFile() As Integer
ReDim ShellObj(1 To MaxProcesses) As Object
ReDim ShellOut(1 To MaxProcesses) As Object
ReDim ActiveFile(1 To TotalNumFiles) As Integer
For i = 1 To MaxProcesses
InputFile = InputFolder & "\" & Range("FileNames").Offset(i - 1, 0).Value
CMDstring = """" & IMexe & """ " & JPEGconfig & " """ & InputFile & """"
Set ShellObj(i) = wsh.Exec(CMDstring)
Set ShellOut(i) = ShellObj(i).StdOut
AttemptedExecutions = AttemptedExecutions + 1
ActiveFile(i) = AttemptedExecutions
Next i
Dim k As Integer, ReadFiles As Integer, ImgType As String
ReadFiles = 0
While ReadFiles < TotalNumFiles
For i = 1 To MaxProcesses
If ShellObj(i).Status <> 0 Then
k = ActiveFile(i) - 1
While Not ShellOut(i).AtEndOfStream
TextOut = ShellOut(i).ReadLine
ReadFiles = ReadFiles + 1
If AttemptedExecutions < TotalNumFiles Then
InputFile = InputFolder & "\" & Range("FileNames").Offset(AttemptedExecutions, 0).Value
CMDstring = """" & IMexe & """ " & JPEGconfig & " """ & InputFile & """"
Set ShellObj(i) = wsh.Exec(CMDstring)
Set ShellOut(i) = ShellObj(i).StdOut
AttemptedExecutions = AttemptedExecutions + 1
ActiveFile(i) = AttemptedExecutions
End If
End If
Next i