Excel 2013 Passwords

Copper Contributor


I know I can protect files and workbooks but

is there any way I can password protect the entire Excel program so that someone cannot open up Excel without a password.  I do not want anyone opening up any files I have saved in the program.


Many thanks for your help.



2 Replies



That sounds like a question for your network administrator (assuming you're asking about something at work). I don't think Excel per se can be locked. But access to any of your files is something you or a network admin should be able to control, but it's not an Excel question.


If you're talking of your home computer, that too is another question. I've never even worried about it, because my files are secure from prying eyes, including those in the cloud (OneDrive, iCloud). I can grant access to selected people, and have done so, but unless I do they're secure.


So unless you've got some unusual circumstances, I'm pretty sure you've come to the wrong place. Maybe you could say more about the sources of your concern.



To password your Excel workbook:

Click on File

Select Info

Click on Protect Workbook drop-down

Select Encrypt with Password

Type in the Password and Confirm Password



Click OK

Close the Workbook

Next type you reopen the Workbook, it will request for Password to gain access