Error with view excel web

Copper Contributor
Good evening,

I have a problem with the visualization of an excel via web. I expose how it is assembled:
I have an excel that extracts information from a web. I have another excel that takes that information and places it and makes a sum resulting from the different columns, the columns to be added are in mm: ss, 000 and the result of the sum is in hh: mm: ss, 000. In local everything works correctly.
The documents are on one drive, hung so that when I save the second excel it will go up.
Users view the excel via the web but I found a problem. When they view it online, the sum columns come out! #Value !, but if they log in via the web, it works correctly.
I need it to work without being logged in since said excel will be shown on a web.
Could you help me?
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