Error "There weren't enough elements in the enumeration to complete the operation." when Pivoting

Copper Contributor

I have a .txt file that I am running through Power Query and into Excel.  The txt file is a simple format that has an item ID on one line and an error message on the next, eg:

Item ABC
Error Msg
Item DEF
Error Msg
Item GHI
Error Msg

Ultimately, what I want is one column with the Item ID, and one with the error message. Simple enough.  So after I pull the txt file in, I add a custom column :

if Text.Start([Column1],4) = "Item" then "ITEM ID" else "ERROR MSG"

This then give me alternating rows of "ITEM ID" and "ERROR MSG".  Then I pivot on the new column using the original column as the Values Column and "Don't Aggregate" for the function, expecting to get my final result.  However all I get is a table with two error cells and the error is "There weren't enough elements in the enumeration to complete the operation."


How can I fix this or is there another way to accomplish this simple task in Power Query?

9 Replies
best response confirmed by Grahmfs13 (Microsoft)
Thank you! I was able to use your method on my file, and it worked.
Do you know why my method gives the error, though? Do you need at least 3 columns for the pivot function to work?

@adinezzaYour method probably works also if just add an index column.

@Riny_van_Eekelen Hi Riny, I have a similar issue, see attached. Similar data, but one column with IDs, then a bunch of numbers, I want all the numbers related to ID under it as a column header. Any help appreciated!



@davidmaddock54 Thought of a quick-and-dirty way to fix it, though believe there should be a better way to do it.


You can use group and transpose:

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
    ChangeType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"ID", type text}, {"Number", Int64.Type}}),
  grouped = Table.Group(ChangeType, {"ID"}, {{"NumbersGroup", each _, type nullable table[ID = nullable text, Number = nullable Int64.Type]}}),
  TransposeGroups = Table.AddColumn(grouped, "TransposedTable", each Table.Transpose([NumbersGroup])),
  KeepNumbers = Table.AddColumn(TransposeGroups, "TransposedNumbers", each Table.LastN([TransposedTable], 1)),
  combined = Table.Combine(KeepNumbers[TransposedNumbers]),
  TransposeCombined = Table.Transpose(combined),
  zipped = List.Zip({Table.ColumnNames(TransposeCombined),grouped[ID]}),
  renamed = Table.RenameColumns(TransposeCombined, zipped)



I didn't dig your query, but it looks like result is not correct


@rachel , we may simplify it to

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
    GroupedID = Table.Group(Source, {"ID"}, {{"Columns", each [Number]}}),
    Result = Table.FromColumns( GroupedID[Columns], GroupedID[ID] )

@davidmaddock54 , if order of numbers in the source doesn't matter, perhaps it's better to sort them in columns as in next query in attached attached



Thank you! the code is so straightforward and self explanatory!

By comparison, the code generated by pressing "Group By" button now looks like a mess!




1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Grahmfs13 (Microsoft)