Enter Value With Conditions

Copper Contributor

Column A lists various investment accounts, Account A, B, C, D & E. Column B lists daily deposits ($$$) into the corresponding accounts. Column C lists the dates of the deposits. Column D lists jumbled text for each day of each deposit, but each such string of text/numbers contains the words "Dividends", "Interest", or "Capital Gains" somewhere within the jumbled text. What I want to do in Column E is list the deposits by day by type by Account. For example, Column E would list the dividends deposited into Account A by day, Column F, the interest, and Column G the Capital Gains.


I tried the Sumifs with an "AND" but it doesnt seem to work

11 Replies
best response confirmed by Jlkirk (Copper Contributor)


To achieve your goal of listing the deposits by day by type by account in Columns E, F, and G, you can use Excel's SUMIFS function (is one of the possibilities and functions) along with logical conditions to filter the data based on the criteria provided. Here is how you can set up the formulas in Columns E, F, and G:

Assuming your data starts from Row 2 (with headers in Row 1), you can use the following formulas:

In cell E2 (Dividends for Account A):

=IFERROR(SUMIFS($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, "Account A", $C$2:$C$100, $C2, $D$2:$D$100, "*Dividends*"), "")

In cell F2 (Interest for Account A):

=IFERROR(SUMIFS($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, "Account A", $C$2:$C$100, $C2, $D$2:$D$100, "*Interest*"), "")

In cell G2 (Capital Gains for Account A):

=IFERROR(SUMIFS($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, "Account A", $C$2:$C$100, $C2, $D$2:$D$100, "*Capital Gains*"), "")

Drag these formulas across Columns E, F, and G to apply them to the respective types and accounts. Adjust the range ($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, $C$2:$C$100, $D$2:$D$100) as needed based on the actual range of your data.

These formulas will sum the deposits in Column B based on the specified criteria in Columns A, C, and D, and return the total deposits of each type for each account for each day. The IFERROR function is used to handle cases where there are no deposits of a particular type on a given day, in which case an empty string ("") is returned. All formulas are untested because there was no example file with data attached or photos with an example.The text and steps were edited with the help of AI.


My answers are voluntary and without guarantee!


Hope this will help you.

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Let me change it up on you a little. Suppose I wanted to sum all of the Dividends that were deposited in Account A over a period of time, not just one day into one cell, say Z2?
It works great...I sent you a follow-up as well.


To sum all dividends deposited in Account A over a period of time and display the total in cell Z2, you can use the SUMIFS function with modified criteria. Here is how you can do it:

=IFERROR(SUMIFS($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, "Account A", $D$2:$D$100, "*Dividends*"), "")

This formula sums the deposits from Column B where:

  • Column A matches "Account A".
  • Column D contains the word "Dividends".

You can place this formula in cell Z2 to calculate the total dividends deposited in Account A over the specified period. Adjust the range ($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, $D$2:$D$100) based on the actual range of your data.

If there are no dividends deposited in Account A over the specified period, the formula will return an empty string ("") due to the IFERROR function, ensuring a cleaner output.



Thank you for your response.

Let me refine my question: what would your solution be if I wanted to match, per deposit, whether it was a dividend and whether it was deposited into Account A. In other words, enter an amount when the deposit is dividends and the deposit is made into Account A. In this case, Im not concerned about an amount over time, but each deposit whether it is a dividend and whether it is deposited into Account A.

Thanks for your help.


To match each deposit to determine if it's a dividend and if it's deposited into Account A, you can use a combination of IF and AND functions. Here's how you can achieve this:

In cell Z2, you can use the following formula:

=IF(AND($A2="Account A", ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Dividends", $D2))), $B2, "")

Thank you.
This solution works perfectly. Would you mind dissecting the formula and telling me how it works?


This formula is an Excel formula that uses the IF function along with the AND and SEARCH functions to check multiple conditions and return a value based on those conditions. Here's how it works:


IF: This is the main function used to perform a logical test and return one value if the test is TRUE and another value if the test is FALSE.


AND($A2="Account A", ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Dividends", $D2))): This is the logical test performed by the IF function. It checks two conditions:


$A2="Account A": This checks if the value in cell A2 is "Account A".

ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Dividends", $D2)): This checks if the text "Dividends" is found within the text in cell D2. The SEARCH function returns the position of the text if found, and ISNUMBER checks if it's a number (meaning the text was found).

If both conditions are TRUE, the IF function returns the value $B2, which is the value in cell B2.


If any of the conditions are FALSE, the IF function returns an empty string (""), indicating no value.


So essentially, this formula checks if the value in cell A2 is "Account A" and if the text "Dividends" is found within the text in cell D2. If both conditions are met, it returns the value in cell B2; otherwise, it returns an empty string.

What if I wanted to sum the Dividends, Interest, etc. deposited into the various accounts say for the month of January in one cell. Would it involve the MONTH() function?


If you want to sum the deposits of different types (such as Dividends, Interest, etc.) deposited into various accounts for the month of January and display the total in one cell, you can indeed use the MONTH() function along with other functions like SUMIFS() to achieve this. Here's how you can do it:

Assuming your data is organized with the account names in column A, deposit amounts in column B, deposit dates in column C, and deposit types in column D, you can use the following formula to sum the deposits of a specific type (e.g., Dividends) for the month of January across all accounts:

=SUMIFS($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, "<>", $D$2:$D$100, "Dividends", MONTH($C$2:$C$100), 1)

Here's what this formula does:

  • SUMIFS(): This function adds up the values in a range that meet multiple criteria.
  • $B$2:$B$100: This is the range containing the deposit amounts.
  • $A$2:$A$100: This is the range containing the account names.
  • "<>": This condition ensures that the account name is not empty. It acts as a wildcard to include all account names.
  • $D$2:$D$100: This is the range containing the deposit types.
  • "Dividends": This is the specific deposit type you want to sum.
  • MONTH($C$2:$C$100): This function extracts the month from the dates in column C. The number 1 represents January.

This formula will sum all the deposit amounts where the deposit type is "Dividends" and the month of the deposit date is January, across all accounts.

You can modify this formula accordingly to sum other deposit types (e.g., Interest, Capital Gains) or for different months by changing the criteria within the SUMIFS() function and the MONTH() function. The text was created with the help of AI.


This is my final reply to this post. You can like the answers if they helped you (this will also help other users who have a similar topic). If others have questions, I recommend opening a new discussion.

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Jlkirk (Copper Contributor)


To achieve your goal of listing the deposits by day by type by account in Columns E, F, and G, you can use Excel's SUMIFS function (is one of the possibilities and functions) along with logical conditions to filter the data based on the criteria provided. Here is how you can set up the formulas in Columns E, F, and G:

Assuming your data starts from Row 2 (with headers in Row 1), you can use the following formulas:

In cell E2 (Dividends for Account A):

=IFERROR(SUMIFS($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, "Account A", $C$2:$C$100, $C2, $D$2:$D$100, "*Dividends*"), "")

In cell F2 (Interest for Account A):

=IFERROR(SUMIFS($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, "Account A", $C$2:$C$100, $C2, $D$2:$D$100, "*Interest*"), "")

In cell G2 (Capital Gains for Account A):

=IFERROR(SUMIFS($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, "Account A", $C$2:$C$100, $C2, $D$2:$D$100, "*Capital Gains*"), "")

Drag these formulas across Columns E, F, and G to apply them to the respective types and accounts. Adjust the range ($B$2:$B$100, $A$2:$A$100, $C$2:$C$100, $D$2:$D$100) as needed based on the actual range of your data.

These formulas will sum the deposits in Column B based on the specified criteria in Columns A, C, and D, and return the total deposits of each type for each account for each day. The IFERROR function is used to handle cases where there are no deposits of a particular type on a given day, in which case an empty string ("") is returned. All formulas are untested because there was no example file with data attached or photos with an example.The text and steps were edited with the help of AI.


My answers are voluntary and without guarantee!


Hope this will help you.

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